

  • Robotique

Hybrid industrial construction thanks to 3D printing

The European HINDCON project, which stands for ‘Hybrid INDustrial CONstruction’, is an initiative funded under the Horizon 2020 programme by the European Commission. The project brought together twelve European partners from various sectors, including construction companies and technological research centres located in Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Romania and France. Launched at the beginning of 2016 for a period of 36 months, the aim was to make it possible to integrate 3D printing into the construction sector, using a hybrid machine capable of manufacturing carbon fibre-reinforced concrete structures.

Robotics expertise for the building industry

Robotics expertise at the service of the building industryThe robotics team worked on the challenges associated with developing the robot control software, as well as on technical research into the sanding of the parts produced. A hybrid robotic system was developed, combining a 6-axis cable robot and a 6-axis polyarticulated robot, to enable additive manufacturing (3D printing) and subtractive manufacturing (sanding, milling).  

To measure the impact of the HINDCON project in the construction industry, a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) have been put in place, covering financial, time, flexibility and social aspects. These indicators have made it possible to monitor the progress made and illustrate the positive changes brought about by this project. 

  • Production time : Thanks to automation and the optimisation of manufacturing trajectories, production time has been significantly reduced.
  • Production cost : Reduction in material losses.
  • Part Quality : The precision of the parts produced.
  • Environmental impact : The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) showed that the hybrid method is more environmentally friendly than traditional methods, especially in cases where non-reusable moulds are used.

In conclusion

A machine has been designed and implemented capable of producing concrete objects using hybrid manufacturing. It is based on a cable-operated robot, which allows great production flexibility. As for the part itself, the strength was satisfactory, reaching the desired levels.

The operational HINDCON project was set up at VIAS, one of the partners and end-users of this new technology. This cell marks an important step towards the commercialisation of hybrid construction using 3D printing. The future of the project now turns to the development of a digital twin, which will enable processes to be monitored and optimised in real time, further enhancing the automation and efficiency of this technology.

The integration of additional functionalities into the control and automation systems will also accelerate the commercialisation of the machines and associated services, paving the way for a lasting revolution in the construction sector.


Example of a printed part 

Material: Concrete reinforced with carbon fibre

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