
Missions and Services


Compositadour is a technological platform specialised in advanced processes: Composites, Robotics and Additive Manufacturing. A true platform for experimenting with the Factory of the Future’s digital and robotic technologies, Compositadour provides high-tech equipment and mobilises its network of skills, from laboratories, SME’s and major industrial groups to develop innovative projects.



Backed by the Compositadour platform, Addimadour was launched in 2017 by and for companies to support them in the development of their metal additive manufacturing projects. Born from the meeting of industrial needs and the scientific and technological resources of the Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA), this new ESTIA metal additive manufacturing platform enriches the Compositadour offer.


Turbolab is a shared Industry/Research/Education test platform dedicated to "Innovative Aeronautical Propulsion", whether hybrid, electric or using alternative fuels. The result of collaboration between Akira Technologies, the Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque and ESTIA, Turbolab has a research laboratory on its premises, TMACH,  which has ANR joint laboratory accreditation and offers theses and post-docs in partnership with industrialists in the sector.


To help businesses appropriate these new technologies, Compositadour carries out the following missions :


In partnership with industry, Compositadour initiates and carries out R&D programmes for new parts and manufacturing processes with outstanding research teams.


In association with vocational training players, Compositadour provides courses for operators, technicians and engineers in composites, automating and robotising processes, and additive metal manufacturing.

Technology transfer

The platform’s teams helps industry (SME, ETI, large groups) to integrate new solutions developed.

Compositadour is a structuring project
of the Aerospace Valley cluster



In general, Compositadour positions its activities at a level of maturity ranging from TRL3 to TRL6, i.e. from proof of concept to the demonstration of the technology in a real environment.

However, for certain projects, the platform can support :

  • academic research (TRL1 and TRL2)
  • industrial players through technology transfer (TRL7, TRL8 and TRL9)


Compositadour responds to industrial needs from the design to the development of new or improved processes or products, that is to say to the prototype, and if necessary to the industrial pre-launch: